Small stuff first: Meowth 3.0 now has custom roles! You can use addcustomroles to designate a list of pre-existing server roles as self-assignable. Then users can assign themselves to the role with the iam command, or remove that role from themselves with iamnot. If you need to remove the self-assign ability from a role, use removecustomroles.
Meowth 3.0 now has the duplicate command! This has been reworked significantly from how it worked in 2.0. Now when you use the duplicate command in a raid channel, Meowth grabs a list of raids that have the same level or boss, and asks you which raid the channel is a duplicate of. When you make your selection, Meowth automatically copies the RSVPs and raid groups from the duplicate to the original raid. Anyone can use this command, and there's no requirement that three people report the duplicate before Meowth takes action.
Here's the big change: the scoreboard cog! Meowth now keeps score for using reporting commands in your server. The scores are divided into five (for now) categories: raid, wild, trade, research, and service. Some changes have been made to the way this works from how it did in 2.0. Notably, you now receive more points based on the popularity of the reports you make. Here are the details:
- Raid: 1 point for the raid report + 1 point for each user who completes the raid (i.e. is in a group that uses the starting command)
- Wild: 1 point for the wild report + 1 point for each user who reports a catch (by reacting to the report with the Pokeball emoji)
- Research (under construction) : 1 point for the report + 1 point for each user who reports obtaining the task
- Trades: 1 point for each trade agreed to by both parties
There are several commands for managing and viewing the data from the scoreboard. The leaderboard command displays the top ten server members in whichever category you ask. The scorecard command displays all five scores for the member you ask for (or your own scores, if you omit this argument). For server admins, the reset_board command can set scores to 0 in any or all of the categories and for any or all of the users in the server. For more fine-tuned control of scores, server admins can use the adjust command to add or subtract points from a user's total in any category. (Note that at this time, no log of these adjustments is kept.)
You may have noticed I left out a category. The service category is meant for miscellaneous point awards from server admins. You can use this category however you like, but here are some ideas on how you might want to use it. I know many Pokemon Go communities take part in community service projects in their areas. You could award service points to members who contribute to these projects however you see fit. For example, you could do a canned food drive and award one point for every can a member donates. You could also use this category to reward service to your Pokemon Go community. Maybe you want to give points for checking in users at Community Day events, or for organizing meetups, or for dropping lures, or for recruiting or helping new members. I hope everyone finds their own unique ways to make use of this feature to promote greater engagement within your communities and with the larger communities you belong to.
These features are all live in the Meowth 3.0 beta as of now! Let me know in the Discord server if you find any bugs or have any feedback. The full release of 3.0 is coming soon! I'm hoping to be able to get the research cog done within the next week, and then 3.0 will have feature parity (more or less) with Meowth 2.0, and the transition will begin!
EDIT: Forgot to mention, due to the spamish nature of the leaderboard and scorecard commands, those are usable only in the 'users' reporting channels, i.e. the same channels you can use want and such.
Also also, setstatus is also now in 3.0 and works (I think) the same way it did in 2.0.
EDIT: Forgot to mention, due to the spamish nature of the leaderboard and scorecard commands, those are usable only in the 'users' reporting channels, i.e. the same channels you can use want and such.
Also also, setstatus is also now in 3.0 and works (I think) the same way it did in 2.0.
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